
Frequently Asked Questions topics

PEC - Posta Elettronica Certificata

Cos'è la Posta Elettronica Certificata?

La Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC) è lo strumento digitale per l'invio di contenuti con valore legale che garantisce la certezza dell'invio e della consegna al destinatario. Ha lo stesso valore legale della raccomandata con ricevuta di ritorno e del fax.

Remote Assistance

We provide remote assistance through a dedicated software for this type of use. The software developed by the company TeamViewer for assistance is highly secure, easy to use and used by the largest international companies. The system is so efficient that in 100% of cases it is possible to provide on-line assistance without making physical movements of our technicians. Once you started the program (TeamViewer does not require installation) you will see a screen are clearly visible ID and Password fields to communicate by telephone to our engineers.